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Covenants and Restrictions Overview

Rehberg Ranch has protective Covenants in place to protect your investment. These covenants and restrictions run with the land and shall be binding on all parties.
  • Each lot in these areas is designated a residential lot.
  • No structure, other than a new detached single-family dwelling, town home, or patio home, may be constructed on a lot, except on designated multi-family lots.
  • Two-story homes shall not exceed 35-feet in height.
  • Detached buildings not exceeding 700 sq. ft. and finished in the same manner as the primary residence are permitted in Areas 1 & 2.
  • All construction must be approved by the Founder or Design Review Committee.
  • All building permits shall include a defensible space plan for fire prevention.
  • No structure of a temporary nature shall be used as a residence.
  • All dwellings will be finished in their entirety before they can be occupied and shall be completed within one year from the time construction commences.
  • All lots must be landscaped and existing trees may not be removed without approval.
  • Lots may not be subdivided, except within Area 3, per the PUD agreement.
  • No livestock shall be kept on premises - only domestic animals are permitted.
  • Horse use is allowed on designated trails and facilities only.
  • Refuse containers shall be kept in garages or in enclosures. No burn barrels.
  • All stored recreational vehicles must be enclosed.
  • No noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on.
  • Exterior boundaries of Rehberg Ranch are bounded by barbed-wire fencing. These fences are the property of Rehberg Ranch or the Park Maintenance District and may not be removed or tampered with.
  • Storm water drainage system for this subdivision incorporates drainage swales on individual lots. Drainage swales shall not be filled and shall be maintained by lot owner.
  • A Homeowners Association will be organized to provide and maintain amenities, provide opportunities for community interaction, and create a sense of neighborhood identity.

Rod and Gun Club Activities and Lot Owner Responsibilities

The land adjacent to Rehberg Ranch on the east side is private property owned and occupied by the Billings Rod and Gun Club. Club members and invited public discharge firearms and archery equipment daily, year round, during both daylight and dark hours. The noise from firearms can be heard from the Rehberg Ranch Subdivision.

Billings International Airport

Logan International Airport is located within two miles of Rehberg Ranch Subdivision. Normal airport noise associated with air traffic may be heard in all areas during all hours of airport operation.

State Land

Unless subject to closure, recreational use of State land is permitted, provided the user obtains a Recreational Use Permit from the State of Montana prior to accessing the property. Access from Rehberg Ranch is limited to specific access points.

These guidelines are an overview. A complete set of Covenants and Restrictions are available from Rehberg Ranch Contact Us.